
In November 2013 we (Mia, Mia, Philipp, Daniel and Hendrik) went with our teachers to Belgium where the first school exchange of the Comenius project took place.


For the four days we stayed in host families which were very nice and friendly. With the children of the families we went to school on the following days and had lessons with them or worked in project groups on our topic Insects. We did a lot of different activities as for example drawing insects, a quiz on insects, filling insect hotels and – what was really great – planting a tree for each country.


We also learned about the Belgium culture especially the food on the last evening when all the host families and their children, the teachers and all the exchange students met at the school for a presentation and a to celebrate the exchange. There was an international buffet with especially Belgium delicacies. All the children and adults had a lot of fun and got to know each other. Everybody tried to talk to each other although not everybody could speak English.


Besides working on the topic we did some sightseeing. In Namur we visited the Chateau and went shopping for example Belgian chocolate for our families.


On our last day we went to Brussels where we first visited the Museum of Natural Science which was very interesting and informative. The presented animals were very impressive.


Then before we took the train home we went to the city centre and visited the Grand Place and walked around to get some impressions of the Belgian capital.


We arrived home very late in the evening. It was an exhausting but very good exchange and we especially like to have found new friends and made a lot of new experiences. We enjoyed our stay very much.


(Report by Mia and Mia with the help of Mrs Klüter-Klein)